Month: April 2023

Protecting our natural environment

We can protect the environment by protecting the animals who are endanger, We can protect by feeding them and they need plenty of water, We can protect the moana by not throwing rubbish into the ocean and by pick up them and put them in the bin, We can protect the environment by not using plastics, We can also protect the environment by planting some cactus, plants and so many more, We can protect the earth by using water and food, You can also use long lasting light bulbs, Shop wisely, Volunteer for your community and don’t litter into Papatuanuku. Use these words: Reduce,Recycle and Recuse.



Types of Resources

Natural Resource- A natural resource are a resource that are drawn from nature and used with a few modifications.


Human made resources- A human made is when humans use natural things to make something new that provides utility and values to our lives


Renewable Resource- A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource, is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption.


Non-Renewable Resource- A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption.


Gemstones is a natural resource- it is non-renewable.

Link to table here:



Tuvalu and Tonga.

Tuvalu in the longer term. To develop wind energy: Wind Energy. 

Tonga’s greater investment in solar and wind energy.