Basic Conversations in Maori

In Maori we have been learning how to use the pixton app to create Maori comics. We had to include some TAP sentences that me and Ngawari are doing.

  • No hea koe?- Where are you from?
  • Kei te pehea koe?- How are you feeling?
  • Ko wai to ingoa?- What is your name?




What am I learning?

  • Pronounce Te Reo sounds
  • Introducing ourselves in Te Reo

How does this work show my learning?

This shows my learning because I was able to use different Te Reo sounds by using TAP sentences and learning new silks that I haven’t learnt before.

Reflection on Te Reo Maori:

My reflection is going good but there are a lot more things that I need to work on at this stage, other than that is going really good.

Nga Mihi. Thank you for looking at my blog.



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