Tag: Internet Safety

Blog Post For Internet Safety

Kia Ora, My name is Misty-Rose and today I am going to talk about Internet Safety.

Question 1, What are the three dangerous piece of information to put on your public profile?

  1. Sharing your public information like, Address, phone number and other stuff.
  2. Sharing your date of birth
  3. Sharing unnecessary stuff on social media

Question 2: What are two things I have learned in Computer Science to keep myself safe online?

  1. I have learnt that I don’t share my personal information.
  2. I have to keep my password safe a private
  3. I can’t share any thing on my social media.

Question 3: What advice can I can give to a younger whanau members to help keep them safe online?

My advice is don’t share any personal information on your social media.

Nga Mihi Misty-Rose.