Tag: Social Studies

Waka Hourua

Kia ora e te whanau, We have been learning about migration from Asia, across the Pacific and finally to N.Z.

–  These boats are why Polynesian ancestors were able to explore and settle the Pacific.

– Waka hourua is a maori name for ocean-going waka

-Waka hourua came in different sizes.

– Waka hourua were built to be light and compact

– The sails on the Waka Hourua worked by catching wind as the waka sailed in the same way.

Types of Resources

Natural Resource- A natural resource are a resource that are drawn from nature and used with a few modifications.


Human made resources- A human made is when humans use natural things to make something new that provides utility and values to our lives


Renewable Resource- A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource, is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption.


Non-Renewable Resource- A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption.


Gemstones is a natural resource- it is non-renewable.

Link to table here:




Tuvalu and Tonga.

Tuvalu in the longer term. To develop wind energy: Wind Energy. 

Tonga’s greater investment in solar and wind energy. 

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